Wewnątrzgałkowe soczewki o wydłużonej ogniskowej jako metoda korekcji starczowzroczności
Autorzy: Katarzyna E. Nowik, Justyna Izdebska, Kamil Nowik, Jacek P. Szaflik.

Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lenses as a Method of Presbyopia Correction

Wydanie 2/2020
str. 16-18

Autorzy: Katarzyna E. Nowik1, Justyna Izdebska1,2, Kamil Nowik1, Jacek P. Szaflik1,2

1. Samodzielny Publiczny Kliniczny Szpital Okulistyczny w Warszawie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jacek P. Szaflik
2. Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Wydziału Lekarskiego Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jacek P. Szaflik.


Extended depth of focus intraocular lenses are modern modality in correcting presbyopia after cataract surgery. Advanced optical technology is used in that intraocular lens to provide extended human eye refractive power. Contrary to trifocal intraocular lenses, which have tri foci, extended depth of focus intraocular lenses provide one continuous image, which is responsible for seeing far, intermediate and close distance. Patients should be properly scheduled. Extended depth of focus intraocular lenses are perfect for active, employed, optimistic people who want to be independent from spectacles. Proper choice of patients for extended depth of focus intraocular lens implantation results in very satisfying outcome in particular good visual acuity and independence from glasses.

Despite of rare occurrence of photopic phenomena such as “halo” and “glare”, the postoperative satisfaction level is high. The aim of this article is to present extended depth of focus intraocular lenses on the example of three models of intraocular lenses.

Keywords: cataract, extended depth of focus intraocular lenses (EDOF), presbyopia.
Słowa kluczowe: zaćma, soczewki wewnątrzgałkowe o wydłużonej ogniskowej, starczowzroczność.