Oj boli, boli, czyli ból w okresie okołooperacyjnym chirurgii soczewki
Authors: Ewa Langwińska, Karolina Pielak, Agata J. Ordon, Katarzyna Malinowska.

Oh, It Hurts – Perioperative Pain in Cataract Surgery.

Wydanie 1/2023
str. 28 – 30

Autorzy: Ewa Langwińska1,2, Karolina Pielak2, Agata J. Ordon2,3, Katarzyna Malinowska2

  1. Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Wydziału Lekarskiego Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
    Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jacek P. Szaflik
  2. Samodzielny Publiczny Kliniczny Szpital Okulistyczny w Warszawie 3 Centrum Mikrochirurgii Oka LASER w Warszawie


Pain and anesthesia are important parts of the perioperative management of patients undergoing cataract surgery. They affect the quality of life and the readiness to undergo another procedure. The level of anxiety, pain, and it’s intensity occur with different frequencies. The group of patients who underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification cataract surgery under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation was asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire, taking into account several factors such as age, gender, level of education, level of anxiety before surgery, nature of pain, previous procedures, general diseases and other. The study aims to compare the frequency and intensity of perioperative pain during first and second eye surgery and to list predisposing factors to pain during cataract surgery.