Cataract in Young Adults – Risk Factors for its Occurrence
Wydanie 2/2020
str. 30-33
Autorzy: Małgorzata Kozikowska1, Wojciech Luboń1,2, Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek1,2
1. Oddział Okulistyki Dorosłych Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Klinicznego im. prof. K. Gibińskiego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek
2. Klinika Okulistyki Katedry Okulistyki Wydziału Nauk Medycznych w Katowicach Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek
Aim: The aim of the study was to discuss the most common risk factors for cataract development in young adults. It seems important to draw the attention of ophthalmologists during a routine examination in an ophthalmology office of young people to the possibility of the cataract occurrence. Useful for this purpose seems to be a thorough and detailed anamnesis with the patient on the lifestyle and accompanying diseases.
Material and Methods: A systematic medical literature on the cataract occurrence in young people was conducted and then the most common causes of its development were analyzed. Conclusions were drawn about the most common causes and pathomechanism of their influence on the opacification of the patient’s lens.
Results: Cataracts in young adults are not as frequent as senile cataracts, but nevertheless they require vigilance and attention of ophthalmologists during examination in a doctor’s office. It has been shown that the occurrence of cataract in young adults significantly reduces their quality of life related to vision.
Factors influencing the appearance of cataract in young people are atopic diseases, steroid therapy, diabetes and others.
Discussion: Due to the age group in which cataract of young adults occurs, this disease has a significant economic impact and on the professional functioning of these people. It seems important to timely detect, diagnose and apply appropriate treatment – usually surgical.
Conclusions: Cataract is very often associated with another accompanying pathology, often systemic or ocular, and may be the first symptom of another emerging disease.
Keywords: cataract, traumatic cataract, diabetes, steroid therapy.
Słowa kluczowe: zaćma, zaćma pourazowa, cukrzyca, steroidoterapia.