Presbyond LBV – laserowa korekcja starczowzroczności.
Authors: Aleksandra Wlaź, Barbara Czarnota-Nowakowska, Joanna Wierzbowska.

Presbyond LBV – Laser Presbyopia Treatment.

Wydanie 4/2021
str. 29 – 31

Autorzy: Aleksandra Wlaź1,2, Barbara Czarnota-Nowakowska1, Joanna Wierzbowska1,3.

1 Kliniki Optegra Polska Dyrektor Chirurgii Refrakcyjnej: dr n. med. Barbara Czarnota-Nowakowska
2  Klinika Diagnostyki i Mikrochirurgii Jaskry Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Żarnowski
3  Klinika Okulistyki Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Rękas


The effective treatment of presbyopia combined with any refractive error is a significant challenge for refractive surgeons. This review article aims to describe Presbyond Laser Blended Vision as a method of presbyopia treatment. Presbyond Laser Blended Vision is a method that combines nonlinear corneal aspheric ablation profiles with micromonovision. It increases the depth of field and, when combined with micromonovision, it gives a full range of vision.
With the safety advantages of modern femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis, the rapid bilateral surgical procedure and short recovery time, Presbyond Laser Blended Vision seems to be the best option to treat presbyopia in myopic, hyperopic, astigmatic and emmetropic patients.