Orbital Tumors
Wydanie 4/2020
str. 52-53
Autorzy: Wojciech Adamski, Jarosław Kocięcki
Katedra Okulistyki i Klinika Okulistyczna Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jarosław Kocięcki.
The orbit, despite being a relatively confined space has various types of tissue from which neoplasms may arise. Different lesions may initially present similar symptoms like exophthalmos, diplopia or soft tissue involvement. Because of that a careful examination and precise imaging should be performed in order to properly diagnose and treat patients with orbital lesions.
Keywords: orbit, neoplasms, orbital tumors.
Słowa kluczowe: oczodół, nowotwory, guzy oczodołu.